Shed light on the smoking habit

Not from the era abounded in which experiments of our time such as this as if the injured person may infect the obsession with tests and in all that is related to his life bulb. These tests may be just a front entrance or a legitimate exercise of all desires and passions of all kinds and even Hdhuzha turn finally to those experiences usually entrenched unfair by leading human desires and wishes. And what's more true for the smoking habit, which has controlled the minds of people of all faiths and their inclinations and knowledge.
Smoking habit foul inflicted the scourge of civilization man ills and diseases such as affecting bad on the lymph nodes and pituitary and nerve centers and the adverse effect on the heart, blood pressure, respiratory tract, stomach, muscles, eyes, etc ...
It is the world's trade profitable, but profit is illegal based on the destruction of life and the destruction of the human mind and heart and will and spirit. It is strange that man accept to purchase these lethal poisons and longing eagerly for their entity caused by the interaction of strange make it insists on its request to eliminate the humans.
Please Watch this video to find out more on the Smoking damages:
Please Watch this video to find out more on the Smoking damages:
please feel free to use this video, download it, or share it. It’s for everyone’s benefit
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