Mechanism of the effect of heroin

After the abuse of heroin either by injection or smell or smoking up to the brain to attach to special receptors, called receptors of opium to deal with the continued long-term changes occur in these receptors. As that of heroin Takther on neurotransmitters such as dopamine and noradrenaline, the effect of heroin is no different from other materials extracted from opium, but the effect quickly.
Clinical effect of heroin :
(Signs of heroin use)
After a short period of heroin feels addict Summit euphoria, comfort and a sense of an imaginary happiness and loss of sensation of pain is the most important symptoms are inability to concentrate, forgetfulness, drowsiness and Talthm tongue and shortness of iris and conjunctival injection and Ahmrarha and increased heart rate and that quickly turn into a slow heartbeat and low blood pressure.
How addiction arises:
Arises heroin addiction at doses of it - no matter how small - for a few days after the start addict to increase the dose in the pursuit of a sense of euphoria, and as continued in dealing continued need to increase the dose and then can not stop dealing for more than 10 hours almost beyond showing it signs of longing for the drug. And evidence of the phenomena of psychological dependence and physical dependence, and if it can not get it complains of heroin withdrawal symptoms that appear and are not borne by the physical addiction can not live with them.
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