Marijuana (What is marijuana?, Types, risk of her addiction)

What is marijuana? And what the different types?
Marijuana is a mixture of green and brown and gray of dried leaves and chopped with some seeds, stems and flowers of the cannabis plant. Marijuana more than 20 names among the various circles of young people, they are vein and hash and grass, and Jean-Mari, etc..
All kinds of marijuana absent mind. In other words, marijuana works on changing the functioning of brain. To contain a substance (THC delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) and is the main active chemical in marijuana, marijuana also contains over 400 other chemicals. Dependent effect of marijuana on the strength of the material and the efficiency of THC used. The power of the substance THC increased since 1970 to 1980, but it fixed since the mid-eighties.
What is the effect of marijuana on the addict?
Use of marijuana for a short period of time leads to:
• a general sense of complacency
• talk and laugh too much
• inability to coordinate kinetic
• the emergence of a black stain in the visibility range distant
• cough
• dryness in the throat
• drowsiness
• redness and congestion of the eyes
• feeling of hunger
• low rate of contraband (in the sense that the individual does and says what he says or does not in practice)
• difficulty in concentrating
• confusion in the mind (for the addict is unable to think clearly)
• Increased feeling of fear and phobias and panic (addict feels that everyone is against him and waiting for elimination)
• hallucinations with high doses.
• a general sense of complacency
• talk and laugh too much
• inability to coordinate kinetic
• the emergence of a black stain in the visibility range distant
• cough
• dryness in the throat
• drowsiness
• redness and congestion of the eyes
• feeling of hunger
• low rate of contraband (in the sense that the individual does and says what he says or does not in practice)
• difficulty in concentrating
• confusion in the mind (for the addict is unable to think clearly)
• Increased feeling of fear and phobias and panic (addict feels that everyone is against him and waiting for elimination)
• hallucinations with high doses.
Marijuana use also affects the individual's ability to perform tasks such as driving or operating machinery. It may also increase the temerity to do acts of a person was to do it in its natural state so might subject him to danger, where the abuser resorts to the behavior of the risk of dangerous or Kalkiedh surge in unsafe sexual relations.
Use of marijuana in large quantities may result in confusion in the mind, anxiety, vomiting, hallucinations, panic attacks
Use of marijuana in large quantities may result in confusion in the mind, anxiety, vomiting, hallucinations, panic attacks
The effects of marijuana use for long periods the following:
• organically and psychologically addictive
• loss of concentration and memory and learning ability.
• increases the chance of chest diseases Xrtan chest and bronchitis.
• Low sexual energy, and a shortage of sperm for men, and irregular menstrual cycle for women.
The substance THC stored in fat cells and secreted into the blood slowly again, so easily recognizable in the body for a month or more after the last use, depending on the amount used and frequency of use.
• organically and psychologically addictive
• loss of concentration and memory and learning ability.
• increases the chance of chest diseases Xrtan chest and bronchitis.
• Low sexual energy, and a shortage of sperm for men, and irregular menstrual cycle for women.
The substance THC stored in fat cells and secreted into the blood slowly again, so easily recognizable in the body for a month or more after the last use, depending on the amount used and frequency of use.
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