Let's try to overcome the bad habit of smoking

How to quit smoking in 5 days ?
Way that will help you to quit smoking and that have proven effective in the whole world where this method is used about 20 million smokers successfully (Twenty Million quit smoking).
The first day:
- Repeating the smoker himself and a strong desire that he would not smoke at all and then begins his day by drinking two cups of water and then take a deep breath, and repeat this from 1 to 5 times and then kneeling (kneeling prayer) and out of breath from the mouth and then coughs 3 times with the lifting of the diaphragm in each time, which leads to raise the efficiency of the lung.
- Get a warm shower or cold water early in the morning for three minutes with a massage the left side of the chest and left arm using a damp towel with water until the skin colored in red, so as to purify the blood from nicotine.
- Then practiced walking for a distance of 500 meters
- Attendance to drink water so that at least two liters with drinking orange and lemon juice.
Day Two:
- Repeat the above with the change of the massage to the right side of the chest and right arm with a supplication to God in good faith that helps you to quit smoking.
Third Day:
- Repeat the above with massage the stomach and back
Fourth day:
- Repeat the above with only the left leg massage.
Fifth day:
- The same program with the right leg massage only.
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