Chronic health problems caused by alcoholism

• liver problems: causes drinking inflammation in the liver, which is the most important symptoms: loss of appetite, nausea and the desire to vomiting, abdominal pain, fever and yellow (Jaundice), may also cause alcohol chronic liver cirrhosis and liver failure chronic, which may lead to the death of the patient in the event of inability to perform a liver transplant.
• digestive problems: alcohol cause inflammation of the membranes of the stomach Blindfolded, they also reduce the absorption of folic acid and thiamine, alcoholism also leads to the destruction of the pancreas.
• blood circulation problems and heart: alcohol addiction leads to high blood pressure and weaken the heart muscle, which may lead the patient to the eventual failure of infection in cardiac function or cardiac arrest.
• Increase the chances of infection for drinkers from alcohol diabetic patients who take insulin Hypoglycemia condition that alcohol inhibit the process of liberation of sugar from the liver into the blood, and therefore this leads to low blood sugar in the blood of the patient's condition and the occurrence of hypoglycemia.
• alcohol consumption causes poor sexual ability in males as a result ED, and disruption in the menstrual cycle in females.
• pregnant women drink of alcohol, especially early in pregnancy can cause abnormalities in the fetus, and the small size of the head, and cardiac abnormalities, and many other complications.
• Osteoporosis: alcohol consumption inhibits the process from building bone, causing fragile bones and increases the chance of fractures.
• problems in the nerves: alcohol chronically cause problems in the peripheral nerves, and paresthesia of the Parties, as well as dementia and memory loss.
• increase the chances of cancer: scientific research suggests that drinking alcohol leads to chronically increase the chances of cancer of the esophagus, larynx, liver and colon.
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